Last month, IBM hosted a webinar titled “From Fraud to Firearms” which showcased how IBM’s i2 has assisted with both fraud investigations and ballistic intelligence investigations with social network analysis, data visualization and use of the Esri connector for mapping. S-Branch, a UK-based Analytics Consultancy that specializes in i2, presented a case study involving an Ireland motor insurance company using i2 Analyst Notebook for data visualization and social network analysis to investigate fraud insurance claims. In this case study, the analyst inputted a large dataset of phone numbers and who that they call, and the analyst was able to identify patterns within the large dataset. This workflow also enabled the analyst to visualize the data through the use of icons, and displayed the telephone numbers that had the most contact with other numbers. This visualization of networks drives important social network analysis.
They then leveraged the Esri connector for mapping where the highest rate of claims are coming from in the different provinces of Ireland. The next presenter from Arquebus, another UK-based firm that specializes in firearm investigations, showed how i2 was able to help in ballistics intelligence by finding connections within datasets, and combined the government network, laboratory network and police network into a SQL Server interface to be shared amongst the different agencies investigating firearm cases. The ordered effect uncovered connections from the firearm case pointed toward other cases in the databases in the SQL server, and analyze them in i2’s Analyst’s Notebook using the data visualization capabilities showing the connections from previous ballistic cases. This helped the police track firearms and created a map of the trafficking network on the firearms using the Esri connector. The webinar demonstrated how i2 was leveraged for investigations into fraud and firearms, and how it can be applied in other use cases as well. In addition, the webinar presented Analysts’ workspaces for users without direct access i2, therefore enabling analysts to use i2 on their workstations and use the cloud to save projects.
Praescient is proud to be an IBM partner, and work in an industry where companies across the world are using i2 to uncover hidden networks for the purposes of investigations, which in the end makes communities safer. You can watch the full webinar on-demand at