Humility is not something that can be bought. You can’t spend thousands of dollars on it and instantaneously add it to your analyst toolkit. Instead, it is an interpersonal quality that allows an individual to recognize that they are not more than the collective power of a team. Being humble means that your self interests,… Read more »
Whereas Russia and the United States (U.S.) competed in a traditional arms race through the Cold War, we are now observing a new combative arena where the U.S. government intends to compete with China in the advancement of Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI): a new arms race. IAI is defined as a government’s motivation to economically… Read more »
Data is becoming more and more vital within society. Tech giants like Facebook and Amazon buy and sell data as they see fit, privacy rights are consistently in the news, and the “internet of things” is rapidly arriving, if it isn’t here already. Raw data is the key to all of this growth, and with… Read more »
In recent years, technology has had a large impact on the fight against human trafficking and efforts to prosecute those responsible for the sale of minors. Online portals frequented by traffickers have seen an increase in the number of images of victims of human trafficking. A major issue in efforts to track down both criminals… Read more »
Imagine a blurry-eyed government employee just stepping off the Metro on their way into work. What images do you think that employee would conjure if you asked them about the culture of a typical West Coast tech startup? Now flip it. If you were to venture out to San Francisco or Seattle, how do you… Read more »
The constant evolution and introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can be incredibly helpful in combating cyber attacks as well as defending against future threats. It has been predicted that every new software product would feature some form of artificial intelligence by the year 2020. The introduction of these technologies has completely… Read more »
There are many ideas that science fiction has inspired, but few have the possible impact and influence that artificial intelligence has. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has two definitions from Merriam-Webster: 1. A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers, and the more important definition; 2. The capability of a… Read more »
Manipulating quantum bits in a state of superposition. Sound like Sci-Fi lingo? Of course it does. Welcome to the world of quantum computing. It can all be boiled down to “quantum bits versus binary bits.” Classical computers use binary bits, or strings of zeros and ones, to input data. Either the input reads a 0… Read more »
When it comes to figuring out what you want to do with your life and/or what career path to follow, most people find themselves enrolling into an accredited institution. Others may sign up with a local community college to save money and get their general education courses out of the way before enrolling into a… Read more »
I Knew You Were Trouble: As the song goes, “I knew you were trouble when you walked in” accurately describes the situation when a potential defector in fact “walks in” to an American Embassy or military installation overseas. Certainly, defectors represent a large quantity of America’s most important spies. Pytor Popov and Oleg Penkovsky were… Read more »