Throughout the internship with Praescient Analytics, we have learned how to use many different technology platforms to assist us with our projects and directives. With four different intern groups, we were intrigued how our experiences as interns at Praescient differed. Learning from each other about our various tasks led us to consider how each group… Read more »
Last month, IBM hosted a webinar titled “From Fraud to Firearms” which showcased how IBM’s i2 has assisted with both fraud investigations and ballistic intelligence investigations with social network analysis, data visualization and use of the Esri connector for mapping. S-Branch, a UK-based Analytics Consultancy that specializes in i2, presented a case study involving an… Read more »
Esri’s Federal 2020 conference in DC ended just two weeks ago, and our PA delegation was well represented there. Organizations keen on the latest advancements in Geographic Intelligence (GEOINT) software, on the Esri platform gathered to show off their work using it, and to learn from others. The week was packed with demos for how… Read more »