As a Praescient Analytics Intern we begin our day with a nicely brewed cup of coffee or tea, which is always stocked in the kitchen at our convenience. Between 9 AM and 10 AM the interns collectively scour the internet on topics regarding business opportunities, trending news topics, technology, or anything pertaining to National Security. At 10AM the entire Praescient Team gets together and the interns present the Praescient Daily Brief (PDB) to upper management. During this time Katie, Praescient’s CEO, and other Praescient management will distribute tasks on various topics, ranging from researching new technology capabilities to helping draft an RFI. Aside from tasks that may be assigned, we spend majority of our time conducting research for our Open Source Intelligence project on a topic of our choice. With this project we are able to pair demonstrate our research findings and into a visualization using iBM Analyst’s Notebook (ANB).
Besides having access to an array of caffeinated drinks(Which, lets be honest, as students and interns in DC this is essential), the kitchen also has a vast selection of appetizing breakfast, snack, and lunch options. The business casual dress code, bright colored green walls, and an overlook of the Potomac River makes the atmosphere and culture here at Praescient unique. Everyone here has goofy personalities, but is also determined to get work done.
Praescient allows flexible schedules to accommodate with our school schedules. Majority of the interns at Praescient are either Graduate students or upperclassmen at an Undergraduate program. Each intern holds a unique background and interests that allows us to learn about the Intelligence Community and its technological capabilities. This also allows for Praescient to stay up to date on trending technologies and receive insight on various topics from a different view point.
It is really reassuring to know that both the management and employees at Praescient want to utilize our skills, but also guide us to research, write, and think like an intelligence professional. In the short amount of time that I have been at Praescient, I have enjoyed the exposure that I have received and look forward to the knowledge I will continue to gain at Praescient.