Intelligence Cell Research Analysts, Natalie Polanosky and Sarah Jasinski, have been working to compile information regarding child sex trafficking in the United States this summer. A demo involving Praescient’s ANB platform to demonstrate the movement of domestic CSAM in Texas will wrap up the duo’s research from this session. Their efforts follow notional cell tower… Read more »
Social media has provided government agencies on state, federal, and private levels a platform for outreach. Today, social media is the preferred form to reach and engage with a large number of individuals, businesses, and potential clients. By using social media outlets government agencies are able to communicate with a vast amount of people during… Read more »
What would the world look like today without social media? With the growth of online networks, it has become normal for people to share intimate details of their everyday lives with the internet. There’s Twitter to send tweets, Instagram to post photos, Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, LinkedIn to publish professional… Read more »