In response to the exceptional amount of destruction Typhoon Haiyan wrought on the Philippines last November, Praescient provided support to the ground teams of Team Rubicon, Direct Relief International and other relief organizations and NGOs. Praescient engineers, analysts, and subject matter experts spearheaded reach-back operations, focusing on identifying priority areas of need to provide support to victims. In the words of Praescient Team Lead, Matt Melton, “Our people have been instrumental in responding to conflict and disaster across the globe. We leveraged our experience using advanced technologies and methodologies during Hurricane Sandy and analyzing Hurricane Katrina to maximize data and advise the ground teams in the field in real-time.”
Technology gaps and setbacks made the support even more valuable as our analysts pushed necessary information out to the field. Our people used their vast experience to troubleshoot technical problems, and used their analytic acumen to identify areas in need of aid.
We are honored to have contributed to this important relief effort. Thanks to all those Praescient employees for those long days and even longer nights spent supporting this critical mission. Although the road to recovery will be long, the Philippines will emerge strong with the help of the international community.