Our Story
Veterans represent the backbone of Praescient Analytics. Our dedicated employees are our greatest resource and the number one reason for our success. Our veterans have been exceptional in supporting the critical mission sets of a wide range of government and commercial customers. We’ve hired over 100 veterans since September of 2011 and they represent 60% of our organization. We’re fiercely passionate about working with veterans looking to take the next step in their respective careers.
We’re doubling down on our commitment to help veterans find meaningful employment opportunities with an exciting new initiative. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting a number of veterans at career fairs and events in the D.C. Metro area over the past two years, but many of these individuals did not have the necessary analytical experience needed to be successful for Praescient’s open positions. We were not able to assist those folks – until now.
Our Mission
The mission of the Praescient Veterans First initiative is to contribute to the community by identifying skilled veterans and securing meaningful employment for them through direct placements. We seek to educate D.C.-area private businesses and non-profit organizations about the value a veteran can bring to their organization. We will listen to both the specific needs of veterans and the organizations we are servicing to find solutions for both parties.
Click the following link for an official press release from Praescient announcing the program: Praescient Analytics Launches Veterans Employment Initiative.
How Technology Will Help
Our Analysis As A Service team has enabled us to attack the issue of veteran unemployment and underemployment through the use of advanced analytics and techniques. These methodologies have allowed us to leverage our in house expertise in order to efficiently and effectively place veterans with employers who can best maximize their skills and experiences.
The demonstration video below shows how we will seek to connect qualified veterans with open positions in the D.C. Metro area. Praescient is looking at this problem in new ways and we are eager to make an impact on both veterans and businesses here in our region.
[youtube id=”gGr5p65g5x4″ mode=”normal” align=”center”]
How to Reach Us
Please send your resume to PV1@praescientanalytics.com for general consideration. We will contact you when we have a potential fit.
Please contact us at PV1@praescientanalytics.com so that we can connect about providing your organization with talented veterans for your D.C. Metro area based openings.