The calamities that took place at the 1972 Munich Olympics, 1996 Atlanta Olympics, and the 2013 Boston Marathon underscore the potential risk inherent in large public events. The emergency services community faces myriad threats at such events including violent crimes, natural disasters, unruly protesters, and mass casualty situations. While the objective of protecting participants and spectators may be well defined, Emergency Services Officials face an almost unlimited number of environmental variables and budget constraints, requiring an efficient approach to event security to achieve mission success.
At Praescient, we advocate for the use of use advanced data analysis technologies to capture, analyze, manage, and share the abundance of data available to event security personnel. The combination of implementing such software platforms in partnership with engineers, investigators, embedded data analysts and subject matter experts has helped fuel innovative methodologies to increase organizational efficiencies and attain a focused comprehension of a broad array of event security requirements.
The introduction of these sophisticated methodologies and technologies have the potential to improve every aspect of the practice of event security. The first noticeable improvement from the application of the right software is enhanced big data processing capacity. Embedded data analysts, who serve to seamlessly bring together technology, data, and human expertise, work closely with Event Security Personnel to integrate and model massive data sets. This close teaming enables the second technological improvement, the establishment of a structured approach to analysis. One of the most obvious constraints that analysts, investigators and decision makers face is the limit of memory people can keep at the forefront of their minds while continuing to work efficiently. Analytic technologies allow data analysts to systematically approach the challenge, while ingesting massive amounts of data from separate streams. Finally, Event Security organizations will benefit from better allocation of resources and funds due to the greater efficiency delivered by advanced analytic technology.

This armed guard represents the culmination of event security efforts.
The combination of technology implementation, subject matter expertise, and procedural oversight for event security is essential in closing existing gaps as well as providing real time solutions for the Emergency Services community. Data analysts offer the technical and analytic experience to overcome the challenges associated with distributions at major events. They also provide opportunities for increased growth, capabilities and refinement of services relating to event security. Praescient Analytics is committed to providing technically savvy, analytically sound, subject matter experts to assist the emergency services community in overcoming event security obstacles.
Praescient Analytics is a Veteran-Owned Small Business that delivers training, data integration, platform customization, and embedded analytical services in partnership with leading technology providers. Praescient’s teams of analysts and engineers provide comprehensive solutions to federal and commercial clients engaged in critical defense, law enforcement, intelligence, cyber security, financial, investigative, and legal analytics missions.
Charlotte Stasio is Praescient’s Communications Specialist.