COVID-19’s prolonged attacks on modern infrastructure are not finished yet. Among health care, logistics, state governance systems – and perhaps our collective wills – there is another rampart on Castle America as yet untested by the virus, but vulnerable still. That rampart is November’s presidential elections. The risk of spreading coronavirus is pushing state and… Read more »

The recent Cloud Smart initiative released by the Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) highlights the government’s growing interest in multi-cloud infrastructure. Many federal agencies are looking to incorporate multi-cloud infrastructure, including the Department of Defense through its Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure acquisition (JEDI) contract. This policy initiative is focused on easing the transition from current… Read more »

Whereas Russia and the United States (U.S.) competed in a traditional arms race through the Cold War, we are now observing a new combative arena where the U.S. government intends to compete with China in the advancement of Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI): a new arms race. IAI is defined as a government’s motivation to economically… Read more »

The federal government has been deemed by many to be poorly equipped when it comes to some of its lingering technology. The use of legacy systems and hardware, essentially outdated technology and software, has become an increasing issue for a variety of departments and agencies, especially as it pertains to budgetary and security concerns. According… Read more »

Data is becoming more and more vital within society. Tech giants like Facebook and Amazon buy and sell data as they see fit, privacy rights are consistently in the news, and the “internet of things” is rapidly arriving, if it isn’t here already. Raw data is the key to all of this growth, and with… Read more »

What would the world look like today without social media? With the growth of online networks, it has become normal for people to share intimate details of their everyday lives with the internet. There’s Twitter to send tweets, Instagram to post photos, Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, LinkedIn to publish professional… Read more »

The constant evolution and introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can be incredibly helpful in combating cyber attacks as well as defending against future threats. It has been predicted that every new software product would feature some form of artificial intelligence by the year 2020. The introduction of these technologies has completely… Read more »

Manipulating quantum bits in a state of superposition. Sound like Sci-Fi lingo? Of course it does. Welcome to the world of quantum computing. It can all be boiled down to “quantum bits versus binary bits.” Classical computers use binary bits, or strings of zeros and ones, to input data. Either the input reads a 0… Read more »

Blockchain is mentioned so frequently when talking about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin that many assume it’s only use is within finance circles. However, blockchain technology is far from one dimensional. Experts predict that it will be of utmost importance for U.S. government officials to have an understanding of the emerging technology, as well as the… Read more »

Growing up surrounded by cutting edge technology sparks a skill set that is heavily sought after in the private and government sectors. The generation gap is evident when it comes to technology. Especially as the youth today are born into using the technology and other generations had to learn and adapt. But who needs these… Read more »